Wednesday, October 31, 2012

F is for...

Yeah, another letter with lots of great words!!  Farm, fish, family, frog, feet, finger, firefighter, flowers!  Even words that begin with an "f blend" still have a distinct /f/ sound.


A Frog Thing  Written by: Eric Drachman (2005)

This book is filled with lots of great words that start with the letter f.  Frog, Frank, fly, fall, fish, flapped, flopped, flew.  This books lends itself nicely to talking with children about what frogs can and cannot well as what other animals can and cannot do.

Over in the Forest: Come and Take a Peek  Written by: Marianne Berkes (2012)

One of our "newer" books at the library this story is based on the song "Over in the Meadow" except with forest creatures.  Children enjoy naming the animals and counting the babies.  I encouraged parents to take time while reading with their child to look closely at the pictures.

Flannel Board/Songs/Fingerplays

Five Black Flies

Five black flies, buzzing through a hive,
One snuck some honey, then took a dive!

Four black flies, buzzing by the door,
One flew in and there was no more.

Three black flies, buzzing in a tree,
One landed on a horse's knee.

Two black flies, buzzing through a shoe,
One held his nose and said, "P-U!"

One black fly, landed on a bun,
"Splat!" goes the fly swatter--
Then there were none!

Two Feet

I can walk with two feet, with two feet, with two feet.
I can walk with two feet all day long.

I can tap with two feet, with two feet, with two feet
I can tap with two feet all day long.

I can jump with two feet, with two feet, with two feet.
I can jump with two feet all day long.

I can stomp with two feet, with two feet, with two feet.
I can stomp with two feet all day long.

I can march with two feet, with two feet, with two feet.
I can march with two feet all day long.

I can run with two feet, with two feet, with two feet.
I can run with two feet all day long.

I can spin on two feet, on two feet, on two feet.
I can spin on two feet all day long.

I can hop on one foot, on one foot, on one foot
I can hop on one foot all day long.

Hey, Diddle, Diddle

Hey diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such sport
And the dish ran away with the spoon!

Enrichment Activities

  • Counting Farm Animals worksheet from
  • Five Flowers--have children draw five stems, then glue crumpled up pieces of tissue paper on for flowers.

  • Go fishing--paper fish with paper clip on mouth.  Fish with magnet attached to string and small pole.
  • Sort magnetic animals by if they live on a farm or in the zoo
  • Farm File Folder Game

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