Monday, December 17, 2012

Legos @ your library

Two years ago I applied for a grant from the Nebraska Library Commission and was awarded funds to purchase Legos and Lego books for the library.  We have been having Legos @ your library ever since!  Check out the blog here!
A few creations from today's event
The main goal of Legos @ your library is to provide a fun library experience for children, especially elementary-aged boys.  Someday I want one of the boys to say, "Hey, I remember going to the library when I was a kid.  I built these cool Lego creations and they got put into the display case for everyone to see!  I also checked out these cool Lego books. The library is an awesome place to be!  I want to take my own kids to the library!" 

This is a very basic program--thousands of Legos are put out and children have an hour to build whatever they want!  sometimes a parent/caregiver builds with them, sometimes they let them build on their own.  I take a picture of each creation (usually with the child) that goes onto the blog.  I love that the children can be creative and work at their own pace.  I do have a couple of kits and a few instructions sheets, but most children like to create something original on their own from the Lego bins.

This program started out as a once month event.  It has evolved now to include THREE monthly events...a homeschool session (generally the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1-2 PM), an after school session (generally the 3rd Monday of the month from 4-5 PM), and a Saturday session (generally the 4th Saturday of the month from 1-2 PM).   We hold Legos every week during the summer reading program!

We will be hosting two Lego events during the upcoming school break.  Instead of just one hour, the children will enjoy TWO hours of non-stop building at these events!

Thursday, December 27th from 10 AM - Noon
Thursday, January 3rd from 10 AM - Noon

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