Monday, December 31, 2012

New Books for the New Year

Each year the Children's department hosts a program on New Year's Eve day and call it "New Books for the New Year".  Mrs. B and I select several "newer" books that the library has received to read or booktalk that we think children and families may enjoy in the coming year.  Over the years we have picked some that have ended up being on Nebraska's Golden Sower list, including:

The Great Fuzz Frenzy by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel

Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall Thin Tale  by Deborah Hopkins and John Hendrix

Children and families are invited to bring a lunch to the library to enjoy while Mrs. B and I read the "new" books. This year we had to do the event in the Children's area of the library instead of our large meeting room because we have a long-standing community group that meets there every Monday.  We draw for door prizes (everyone won a book!).  Here are the books we presented this year (in no particular order):

Hippospotamus by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross
Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds; illustrated by Peter Brown

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Button  by James Dean and Eric Lituin
I'm Bored!

The Three Ninja Pigs  by Corey Rosen Schwartz;
illustrated by Dan Santat
Princess in Training by Tammi Sauer and Joe Berger

I also highlighted a fun chapter book and two graphic novels for the older children who attended.  I made them into book trailers...but I had a hard time finding good pictures that were "free" I am only posting one here that didn't use any copyrighted material (except images from the book...which are legal if one is promoting the book).
This one has been out for a while, but I think it's such a fun book I have to share it!
The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom  by Christopher Healy
Explorer: The Mystery Boxes

Earthling by Mark Fearing

This is the book trailer I made for Earthling

We drew a record turn out for the event!  This is a fun event that I look forward to each year!

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