Thursday, January 10, 2013

N and O are for...

I admit...I had a very hard time coming with a complete storytime featuring the letter "O"--especially since I had committed to focusing on the short vowel sound for all the vowels.  [When children are learning to read they begin with words like pot and top--the letter o making the short o sound.]  So I decided to combine N and O together for this storytime.  I think it's better to present a quality storytime, than trying to stretch it too far to make something fit into "the theme".


Squid and Octopus: Friends for Always, "The Hat"  by Tao Nyeu

Night Shift Daddy  by Eileen Spinelli


Flannel Board: Five Nocturnal Animals

From Nature Boxes for Early Childhood Educators, Debbi Williams, Story County Conservation Board

Five nocturnal animals, sitting by the door.

The firefly flashed away, and then there were four.

Four nocturnal animals, sitting by the tree.
The beaver started gnawing, then there were three.

Three nocturnal animals, sat on tractor new.
Bat hung upside down, then there were two.

Two nocturnal animals, looking for some fun.
Hungry owl caught a mouse, then there was one.

One nocturnal animal, watching for the sun.
Raccoon went home to bed, then there was none.

Parachute Opposites (words by Tammy Henry; tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
This activity was a TON of fun!  The children loved it!  On Thursday I added the additional verse of under and over.  Of course you have to sing the song very slow, but it gives the activity some structure.

The parachute goes up
The parachute goes down
Up, down Up, down
The parachute goes up…then down!

The parachute moves right
The parachute moves left
The parachute moves right…then left.

The parachute moves fast
The parachute moves slow
The parachute moves fast…then slow.

The parachute goes in
The parachute goes out
The parachute goes in…then out.

Repeat 1st verse

1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
1, 2 buckle my shoe
3, 4 shut the door
5, 6 pick up sticks
7, 8 lay them straight
9, 10 a big fat hen!

Enrichment Activities

Dry erase boards and markers (children love practicing writing the letter o)
Octopus craft from first-school
Stacking cups
Numbers—put correct number of pom-poms on each number
I just made large numbers in Word and the correct number of circles in them.

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