Saturday, February 23, 2013

T is for...

Turtles and Tigers and Toads! Oh, My!  So many fun words that begin with the letter T!!  Unfortunately, we only had storytime on Wednesday because of a terrible snowstorm Thursday!


Tabitha's Terrifically Tough Tooth by Charlotte Middleton
Great alliteration in this book that emphasizes the letter t!

Who's in the Tub? by Sylive Jones; illustrated by Pascale Constantin

Flannel Board/Songs/Rhymes

The Train
(adapted from storytimekatie)

Here comes the train on the railroad track!
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
Here comes ENGINE number one.
Clickety-clunn, clickety-clunn,
Here comes ______ (color) car number two.
Clickety-clew, clickety-clew,
Here comes ______ (color) car  number three.
Clickety-clee, clickety-clee,
Here comes ______ (color) car  number four.
Clickety-clore, clickety-clore,
Here comes ______ (color) car  number five.
Clickety-clive, clickety-clive,
Here’s the RED CABOOSE, that’s number six.
Clickety-clicks, clickety-clicks,
There goes the train on the railroad track!
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack!
I love to use a magnetic white easy to copy,
color, cut out and put on a bit of magnet!

A Silly Song
Song  [tune: wheels on the bus]

I can make my hands go clap, clap, clap; clap, clap, clap; clap, clap, clap
I can make my hands go clap, clap, clap, 'cuz they're a part of me.

I can make my feet go stomp, stomp, stomp; stomp, stomp, stomp; stomp,stomp, stomp.
I can make my feet go stomp, stomp, stomp, 'cuz they're a part of me.

I can make my legs go jump, etc.

I can make my bottom go wiggle , etc.

I can make my tongue go in and out, etc.  [Make sure you say "'cuz it's a part of me" with your tongue out!]


Rub-a-dub-dub three men in the tub
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker
And all of them going to sea!

Enrichment Activities

Teddy Bear Manipulatives and pattern cards
Tambourines and other musical instruments
Teddy Bear Counting Books

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