Saturday, March 16, 2013

JST4U--Let's Make Stuff!

March is National Craft Month--so what better way to celebrate than to MAKE STUFF!!  The library invited students in 5th - 8th grades to visit the library to make a variety of crafts...even an edible craft!  And to watch "Wreck It Ralph".

Here are the crafts we did:

"Shrinky Dinks" using recycled number 6 plastic from deli/bakery boxes. A couple of the girls turned theirs  into necklaces.

Locker Magnets using scrapbook paper, stickers, manga

Manga bookmarks

Springtime Flower

The girls that were there had a great time and made lots of crafts.   But we had a very low turn out.  Gordon  and I know there is a need for youth activities focusing on this age group, but we are just not sure what else we can do to get the 5th-8th graders to the programs!

We are planning a summer JST4U event.  Summer events tend to draw more kids.  The plan to make it work out better?

  1. Plan activities earlier so we can be more specific when we advertise our event.
  2. Talk it up a lot when we visit the schools before summer reading.
  3. Combine FOOD and fun.  (I still believe in the saying..."If you feed them they will come.")
Hopefully we can get a good turn out for the June event!

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