Saturday, April 27, 2013

Screen Free Week

It started back in 1994 when TV-Free America hosted the first "TV Free Week".  Since that time it has evolved into including all kinds of screens--not just TVs.  In 2010 it became Screen Free Week sponsored by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC).

So what's the purpose of Screen Free Week?  I could repeat all the statistics concerning the connections between TV and childhood obesity, TV and video games linked to violent acts, and how grades in school correlate with the amount of time children spend engaged in screen time activities.  These are all valid reasons to reign in the screen.  However, in my opinion, it's not just to disconnect from screens that we interact with daily--TVs, computers, video games and hand-held devices--but it's to reconnect with people and the truly more important things in our lives. 

Over the past few months I have caught myself saying (on several occasions), "I don't have time to read all the books I want!"  Well, maybe it's because I spend too much time interacting with screens (I won't even mention the amount of time I spend on Pinterest!)  As I have prepared to go "screen-free" this coming week I have started to realize how much time I spend each day with screens when I could be reading, enjoying a walk outside, cooking a healthier meal for my family, organizing an overloaded closet, writing a letter to my grandma, calling a friend...the list could go on and on!  So many things I feel like I have lost connection with that I hope to reconnect to this week.

So I am taking the pledge from

I, Miss Tammy, pledge that during the week of April 29-May 5, 2013, I will:

  1. Watch no TV or DVDs, play no video games, and only use the computer to check my email once per day or if it's required for a work assignment;
  2. Encourage my friends and family to go screen-free;
  3. Explore new screen-free activities;
  4. Have fun!

Instead of spending time with screens, I will:

  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book (or two or three)
  • Try a new recipe
  • Play board games with my family
  • And hopefully a lot more things!!
So take the challenge...go screen-free for a week!  I will post again on May 6 to let you know about my week.  I'd love to hear what you and your family did during screen-free week!

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