Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Golden Sower

Nebraska's children's choice book award is called "The Golden Sower".  

Each year there are ten nominated books in each category that students read throughout the school year.  In April the children vote for their favorite book.  The book with the most votes is then award "The Golden Sower".  (Children must read or heard at least four of the nominated books in order to vote. They  read and vote for books that are in their grade level).

Primary--for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade
Intermediate--for children in 4th-6th grades
Young Adult--for teen in 7th grade and above

It has been exciting to watch children all over Bellevue (and across the state) read the ten nominated books throughout the school year.  Even more exciting for me is  being part of the selection process!

Each fall and winter librarians, teacher and parents read lots of children books and compile a list of book we think the children of Nebraska will enjoy.  They need to have been published within the last three years.  We also try to find books that stimulate children's thinking, introduce different types of literature, and foster an appreciation for writing and illustrating.

All recommended books are then compiled into a long list that is sent out to adult volunteer readers across the state.  Throughout the spring and summer we read as many of these books as possible and vote for ten of them.  Some of the books on this list I will have already read, but there are many new ones that our library doesn't own (since we can't own everything) that I get the opportunity to read.

I have been reading for the Primary category for several years now.  Most of the books are picture books, with a few picture non-fiction books sprinkled in.  Some years I am also read for the Intermediate category as well, but this of course, takes much more time since chapter books take a while to read!

After I have read as many books as I can from the list (which can sometimes be   over 100 books!) I send in my vote with 10 that I believe the children of Nebraska will enjoy and that meet the criteria.  So sometimes it's not my 10 "favorite" books.

In late summer there is a meeting for volunteer readers to come together and discuss the books we have read and to make the final selection of the 10 books for the following school year.  (This can be an interesting meeting as some librarians can be very opinionated...can you believe that?)  However, I also gain insight into books that I may have passed over or that I didn't have the opportunity to read.  It is especially satisfying when a book I "fought for" gets on the list.  [You can thank me for getting "When I Grow Up" by Al Yankovic on the 2013-2014 school year primary list!]

Now back to the present...I am now in the midst of reading books that will be voted on at the end of July for the 2014-2015 school year.  I have come across some wonderful picture books, so it may be hard to narrow it down to just 10!

Children across Nebraska recently voted for their favorite Golden Sower and here are the results of the 2012-2013 School Year.

Primary Winner: 
Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine & a Miracle by Brian Dennis, Kirby Larson, and Mary Nethery

Intermediate Winner:
Because of Mr. Terupt 
by Rob Buyea

Each fall, during Nebraska Library Association's Annual Conference, the authors of winning Golden Sower books are invited to meet with librarians--sometimes in person and sometimes by Skype.

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