After encouraging the students to visit the library and participate in the summer reading program we divided the class into three groups and rotated between the three different challenges (each lasting about 15 minutes).
Challenge 1: Same Pieces
All the children had the same number and size of pieces to use to make a Lego creation. It was fun to see the different creations using the exact same pieces!
Challenge 2: Random Pieces
Each child got a 1 cup scoop of Lego bricks in a bowl. The challenge was to use all the pieces in a Lego creation--without trading pieces or getting more.
Challenge 3: Tallest Free-Standing Structure
The students had a great time working on building a sturdy, tall tower. They could build it together or individually, usually the group of children broke into two smaller groups. It was awesome to see them working together!
The last 30 minutes was for "free play"--many of the children continued working on their free-standing towers.
Thanks for inviting me to your classroom Mrs. Scott!! You have a great group of creative kids!!
Awww! They're just too darn cute!