Wednesday, January 22, 2014

N is for Nest...and other places animals live!

A fun storytime about places animals live...starting off with nests!  We found out that birds aren't the only animals that make nests--alligators, dinosaurs, chimpanzees, and some rodents also build nests!


Silly Little Goose  by Nancy Tafuri

Whose House?   by Barbara Seuling


Where's Little Bird? (chant)

Little bird, little bird fly away!
What color nest are you in today?

Here is a picture of the colored nests I copied, laminated, and put magnets on the back of.  I had a little red bird that hid behind one of the nests.  When we did the large group activity I hid the bird, asked children to name a color nest and I pulled it off.  During our Enrichment activity time I let the children hide the bird and take off the nests.

There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them all broth without any bread
Then kissed them all soundly and put them to bed.

What other kind of house did the old live in?  Answers included: nest, barn, water

A House

    Here is a nest for a robin.
      (cup hands)
    Here is a hive for a bee.
      (make fist with one hand, wrap other hand around it)
    Here is a hole for a bunny
      (make circle with thumb and index finger)
    And here is a house for me.
      (put arms above head with fingers touching at an angle)

Enrichment Activities
  • Sewing Cards

  • Puppets

  • Draw line to match animal to its "house"
  • ABC dot-to-dot (nest)
  • Find the Bird!  The children had so much fun with this activity!

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