Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Z is for Zoo!!

We had a great two days at preschool storytime exploring animals at the zoo!  I could have done this theme for several weeks!!


Who Has This Tail?  by Laura Hulbert; illustrated by Erik Brooks

Two at the Zoo: A counting book  by Danna Smith; illustrated by Valeria Petrone


Animal Riddles
(I hung a variety of animals that live in the zoo (pieces from a two bulletin board sets) along a wall.  I had the children look at the animals then listen to the clues to guess what animal I was describing.  I did 4 or 5 animals).

I live in lakes and rivers.
I eat fish and birds.
I have four legs and a long tail.
I have lots of pretty teeth.
I am an...                     (Alligator)

I'm very, very big.
I have four legs and two big ears.
I like to eat peanuts and hay.
My long nose is called a trunk.
I am an...      (Elephant)

I have two small horns.
I have a long black tongue.
I eat leaves off trees.
I am very tall.
I am a…         (Giraffe)

I am very big.
I have short legs.
I love to eat fruit and grass.
I spend a lot of time underwater.
I am a…         (Hippo)

I live in a group called a pride.
I sleep almost all day and all night!
I like to roar.
I have a large mane!
I am a…         (Lion)

I have black stripes.
I know how to swim.
I like to roar!
I am a…         (Tiger)

I am big and black.
I have long arms and short legs.
My ears look alike like your ears!

I am a…         (Gorilla)

Zoo Animals
(Sung to: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

If you want to be a monkey, go Ohh, Ohh!
If you want to be a monkey, go Ohh, Ohh!
If you want to be a monkey, if you want to be a monkey,
If you want to be a monkey, go Ohh, Ohh!

Parrot — flap your wings
Elephant — swing your trunk
Lion — roar out loud
Kangaroo—hop, hop

Hey Diddle, Diddle

Hey diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such sport
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

What zoo animal jumped over the moon?  Answers included: alligator, tiger, and elephant

Enrichment Activities

Make a lion

Stamp a zoo

Zoo animal matching

On Thursday I also added these activities (but no pictures):

Little People Zoo Set

Sort farm/zoo animals magnet board activity

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