Over the summer I will be presenting a weekly "all ages" storytime. These will be the songs we sing each week.
Welcome Song...
My Hands Say Hello
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
My hands say hello
My hands say hello
Every time I see my friends
My hands say hello.
Then we say hello with other body parts:
Nose (tap your nose)
Elbows ("wave" with elbows)
Knees (bend knees)
Feet (stomp)
Tongue (stick out tongue while we sing!)
Rhyme Time Song...
I'm so happy that you've come to storytime
Now listen very carefully to my rhyme
Stand up straight...
And stomp your feet...
Clap twice...
And take a seat
We'll be begin when I ring...
The rhyme chime.
Animal Good-byes
See ya later, Alligator!
Blow a kiss, Goldfish!
Be sweet, Parakeet!
Take care, Polar Bear!
Too-da-loo, Kangaroo!
Give a hug, Ladybug!
See ya soon, Raccoon!
Bye-bye, Butterfly!
Out the door, Dinosaur!
So glad to see you continuing to use a couple of your signature songs/rhymes, Tammy! And I love the "My Hands Say Hello" song!! Did you write this one?? May I use it?