Friday, November 7, 2014

Mem Fox

My internal blog post from August that I forgot to post...

Several years ago I had the privilege of attending a Read Aloud Nebraska workshop with Mem Fox.   In her book, Reading Magic, she gives several tips of reading aloud to children.  I have found that when I strive to follow her suggestions, storytimes are a fun and positive experience for the children, their parents and caregivers, and me!
Here are some of the tips from Mem Fox regarding expressive reading.  By simply paying attention to the text we can vary our voice to make the story much more engaging.  Here are some easy ways to do that:

Vary the volume of your reading… loud/soft.  When the text says whispered make sure you whisper too!

Vary the speed of your reading…fast/slow.  Reading about a child chasing their runaway dog will be faster than the child getting ready for bed.

Vary the pitch of your reading….high/low.  Use a higher voice for exciting parts and a lower voice for frightening parts.

Pause.  The pause builds anticipation and also allows the child to think about what might be coming next.

I encourage you to take a little time to read (or review) Mem Fox’s Reading Magic, especially chapter 6 that discusses expressive reading.  Small things that make a huge difference in our storytimes!

Mem Fox. Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever. Harcourt, Inc: San Diego, CA. 2001.  

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