Friday, December 26, 2014

Give a Gift Storytime (x 2)

Another week when I presented two storytimes at two different libraries...but of course I can't just "repeat" the same one (it's just not in me...)  So here are the two storytimes about Giving a Gift.

One Winter's Day by M. Christina Butler; illustrated by Tina Macnaughton

Rabbit's Gift told by George Shannon; illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Songs/Rhymes/Flannel Board

If you're happy and you know it!
(because giving gifts makes me happy!)

Clap your hands
Jump up and down
Shout "Hooray!"
Do all three

5 Little Presents (adapted from the book Ten Little Christmas Presents by Jean Marzollo)
I used clipart presents and forest animals

Five little presents on a snowy floor…
________ unwraps a present.  Now there are four.
4 little presents—what will they be?
__________ unwraps a present.  Now there are three.
3 little presents—each brand new…
__________ unwraps a present.  Now there are two.
2 little presents—what a lot of fun!
___________ unwraps a present. Now there is one.
1 little present, the last gift of all…
___________ unwraps a present.  And snow begins to fall.
Once there were five presents.  Now there are none.
Whoever left the presents left one for everyone.
Who is our secret giver?  The animals want to know.
“’Tis I,” says Big Brown Bear.

“I was hiding in the snow!”

Give a Gift (x2)

Rabbit's Gift told by George Shannon; illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Thank you Bear by Greg Foley

Pip and Squeak by Ian Schoenherr

Songs/Rhymes/Flannel Board

Jingle Bells
We sang the verse quietly and shook our bells slowly...however, when we got the to the chorus we sang loud and shook our bells fast!

If You're Happy and You Know It--Jingle Bell Edition
Each child had a set of bells and we sang...

If you're happy and you know it shake them high!
If you're happy and you know it shake them high!
If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it!
If you're happy and you know it shake them high!

Shake them low
Shake them fast
Do all three!

5 Little Presents
(See above)

Enrichment Activities (both days)

Give a Gift craft

Bow Sort
This set could be sorted by color OR size

Train set


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