Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cookie Storytime

Yum, yum!!  COOKIES!!  What a delicious storytime! (If only we could have had real cookies to munch on!)


Baking Day at Grandma's by Anika Denise; illustrated by Christopher Denise

Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?  by Karen Beaumont; illustrated by Eugene Yelchin

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  by Laura Joffe Numeroff; illustrated by Felicia Bond

Songs/Rhymes/Flannel Board

Five Little Cookies
Five little cookies at the bakery shop,
Shining bright with sugar Look so yummy with frosting on top.
Along came a ____________ with a nickel to pay,
He buys the __________ one and takes it away.

I had a cute cookie action rhyme to do, but the kids were pretty wiggly, so we sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes several times!

Who has the cookie? 
(Flannel Board Guessing Game)

Cookie, cookie soft and sweet
Who wanted to eat the tasty treat?

Enrichment Activities

Playdough and cookie cutters

Cookie Memory from Oriental Trading Co.

Decorate “cookies” with “sprinkles” (cutting activity)  
I just cut out circles with the die cut machine in brown and white.  I had small rectangles of various colors so the children could snip off pieces to make sprinkles.

Cookie Maze from Homeschool Share


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