Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hodgepodge Outreach Storytime

I wasn't feeling well yesterday and was just spinning my wheels trying to plan a different storytime for today's outreach since yesterday's went kind of flat.  In finally just decided to do a hodgepodge of books I had on my desk--loosely tied together.  Today's storytimes went much better than yesterday!  Whew!  I visited four classes.  Let's see if I can come up with an outreach for next week...I might just use this one again!

Preschool Classes

Preschool to the Rescue
by Judy Sierra; illustrated by Will Hillenbrand
Image result for Preschool to the Rescue by Judy Sierra; illustrated by Will Hillenbrand

Flannel Board: Five Pigs in the Mud

5 little piggies rolled in the mud
Oh, my goodness! They need a scrub!
The farmer took one piggy out
"Oink, oink, oink!" the pig did shout.

Continue counting down to zero.

No little piggies rolled in the mud
They looked so nice after their scrub
The farmer turned his back...and then...
Those piggies rolled in the mud again!

Twenty Hungry Piggies: A Number Book
by Trudy Harris; illustrated by Andrew N. Harris

Stand-up Song: I Can Walk on Two Feet

I can walk on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can walk on two feet, all day long.

I can run on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can run on two feet, all day long.

I can tiptoe on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can tiptoe on two feet, all day long.

I can jump on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can jump on two feet, all day long.

I can march on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can march on two feet, all day long.

I can hop on one foot, on one foot, on one foot
I can hop on one foot, all day long.

Who Has These Feet
by Laura Hulbert; illustrated by Erik Brooks

Toddler Class

Hello Puppy
by Jane Cowen-Fletcher

Song:  Itsy Bitsy Spider

Mrs. Wishy-Washy
by Joy Cowley

Song: Old McDonald Had a Farm

Repeat Mrs. Wishy-Washy

Hands Can
by Cheryl Willis Hudson; photographs by John-Francis Bourke

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