Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer Reading School Visits!

Over the last 2 weeks I've visited three schools and talked with about 1,000 students about our upcoming Summer Reading Program at the library!  I love visiting the schools and seeing the kids excited about reading and programs we have at the library!

The first school Kelsey and I visited we spoke to the kids in the cafeteria during their lunch.  That was interesting...  Kelsey did just a very brief (less than 5 minutes) overview of the summer reading program and then we went around the room and talked to the kids at their tables and answered questions.

The second school we had three, 20 minute mini-assemblies--each with several classrooms/grade levels at each assembly.  Kelsey read "The Book With No Pictures" to the younger grades and I did a Superhero Mad Lib (see below) with the older grades.

My last school I did on my own--it took me two afternoons to see each grade level individually.  I also had 30 minutes each!  So I knew I needed a little "gimmick" to keep the kids engaged.  I made
a selection board.  I invited kids to come up and choose a card with a topic or question on it.  I would then talk about that specific part of the summer reading program or ask questions/give information about the library.

Here is a sample of the cards:

Late Night @ the Library
Thursday Programs (some cards with specific programs)
Tween Programs
How much does a library card cost?
How many books can you check out at a time?
What happens if you return your books late? (Promote Read Away Fines)
Win a color changing pencil
Read Aloud (for younger grades)
Mad Lib (for older grades)

The cards made it nice so I could tailor each talking point with the age group AND it kept me on track about what I had/hadn't talked about with each group.

Read Aloud Book
(Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grades)

Baron von Baddie and the Ice Ray Incident
by George McClements

(adapted from this site)

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