Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bugs! Storytime

I was able to present this storytime at three different libraries--two preschool storytimes and my regular "all ages" storytime.  It was a fun theme!  It still amazes me how I can read the same book and share the same songs but the program is so different depending on the location and the kids!


I Love Bugs
by Emma Dodd

The Very Lazy Ladybug (pop-up edition)
by Isobel Finn and Jack Tickle

Songs/Rhymes/Flannel Board

Pretty Ladybug (Wednesday x2)
Ladybug has one black spot
One black spot, one black spot
Ladybug has one black spot
Pretty Ladybug!

Ladybug has two black spot
Two black spot, two black spot
Ladybug has two black spot
Pretty Ladybug!

Continue adding one spot until you have six (three on each wing).

For the preschool crowd I made sure to use math terms such as add, plus, equals.

Bugs in the Yard (Thursday--because I lost my ladybug!)
(tune: Wheels on the Bus)

The cricket in the leaves goes
Jump, jump, jump
Jump, jump, jump
Jump, jump, jump
The cricket in the leaves goes
Jump, jump, jump
In my backyard!

Additional verses:

Bee in the flower goes buzz, buzz, buzz

Butterfly in the yard goes flutter, flutter, flutter

Ants in the grass go march, march, march

There's a Spider on the Floor

There's a spider on the floor, on the floor
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor
Who could ask for any more
Than a spider on the floor
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.

Knee--"Oh, how can it be? I've got a spider on my knee!"
Tummy--"Oh, it really isn't funny! I've got a spider on m tummy!"
Arm--"It doesn't mean any harm this spider on my arm!"
Face--"Oh, what a big disgrace! There's a spider on my face!"
Head--"Oh, I wish I was in bed! There's a spider on my head!"

Floor--"Who could ask for any more than a spider on the floor!"

Play and Learn

Caterpillar Pencil

Bug Cutting Practice

Ladybug Coloring Sheet

Feelings Book [craft highlighting Social-Emotional domain]

Duplos (Thursday)

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