Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sheep Storytime

So excited to do storytime after a whole month without doing one at Otis!!


No Sleep for the Sheep
by Karen Beaumont; illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic

Where is the Green Sheep?
by Mem Fox; illustrated by Judy Horacek

Songs/Rhymes/Flannel Board

Mary had a Little Lamb (idea from Mallory)

We sang Mary had a little lamb; but I would put up a different color sheep and then say something that was that color.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb its fleece was ORANGE as CARROTS!

We ended with a white sheep!

Dancing Sheep
(from Susan Dailey)

Shhh!  It’s time to go to sleep (put finger to mouth, pretend to sleep)
But into my bedroom one sheep creeps. (creep fingers)
“Don’t go to bed,” the one sheep said.
“I would rather dance instead!”

Soon he was…  (draw these words out)
Dancing on the ceiling! (move hands above head in “dancing” motion)
He was dancing on the floor! (move hands on floor as mentioned above)
He was dancing on the window! (move hands to one side)
He was dancing on the door! (move hands to other side)

He kept on…Dancing on the ceiling! (sing faster)
He was dancing on the floor!
He was dancing on the window!
He was dancing on the door!
(repeat several times getting faster each time through)

“Stop that dancing, silly sheep.
It is time to go to sleep!”
Soon the sheep lay on the floor.
Soon the sheep began to snore.

So I started …  (draw these words out)
Dancing on the ceiling!
I was dancing on the floor!
I was dancing on the window!
I was dancing on the door!

Where is the Green Sheep? Hide and Seek Flannel (idea from One Little Librarian)

After reading Where is the Green Sheep we had our own little hide and seek activity using the magnet board.


In the book No Sleep for the Sheep there is a rhyming phrase I taught the children before reading, "'Shhh! Not a peep! Go to sleep!', said the sheep."  I reminded the parents that saying rhyming words with their children build their language and listening skills.  Throughout the story I encouraged the children to say the phrase with me.

Play and Learn

Glue cotton balls onto sheep cutout

Mary had a Little Lamb Maze (from Literacy Centers and Activities Nursery Rhymes Volume 1)

Farm/Zoo Animal Magnet Sort

Where is the Green Sheep? Hide and Seek Flannel
Children also had a good time matching the colored sheep to their colored bush!


And this storytime would not be complete without a stamp on the hand of a green sheep!

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