Thursday, May 26, 2016

ECEAP Outreach Storytime for May

I visited oodles of ECEAPs (Early Childhood Education and Assistant Program~~State-funded Head Start) this month!  Since they were all Pre-K I did the "Hiccups, Burps, Sneezes, and Snores" theme. So fun and popular with the kids!


Bear Snores On
by Karma Wilson; illustrated by Jane Chapman

Little Penguin gets the Hiccups
by Tadgh Bentley

by Steve Smallman; illustrated by Ada Grey


Let Everyone Clap Hands Like Me

Let everyone clap hands like me (clap, clap)
Let everyone clap hands like me (clap, clap)
Come on and join in the game
You'll find that it's always the same (clap, clap)

Let everyone hiccup like me (hic, hic)

Let everyone sneeze like me (aaah! choo!

Let everyone snore like me (zzzzz)

Let everyone jump up like me (jump, jump)

I Can Walk on Two Feet

I can walk on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can walk on two feet all day long.

Additional verses:
Hop on one foot

My Hands

My hands upon my head I'll place
Upon my shoulders, on my face
At my waist and by my side
And then behind me they will hide
Then I will raise them way up high
And let my fingers fly, fly, fly
Then clap, clap, clap
And 1, 2, 3
Let's sit down quietly.

Magnet Board

Four Hungry Ants
I found clipart on Google of an ant, a salad, a cake, and a pepper shaker; printed, laminated, put magnet on the back, used while reciting the rhyme.

Four hungry ants marching in a line
They came upon a picnic where they could dine
One marched into the salad
Then he marched into the cake
Then he marched into the salad...
But that was a mistake!
Aaaah! Aaaah! Choo!

Continue down to through 1.

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