Monday, February 6, 2017

Fantastic Beasts Storytime

A really fun storytime from a few weeks ago...

Troll and the Oliver
by Adam Stower

If I had a Gryphon
by Vikki Vansickle; illustrated by Cale Atkinson

Graph Question

Which mythical creature would you like to meet?
Bigfoot (4)
Mermaid (4)
Unicorn (6)
Dragon (7)

I changed the "voting" up a bit, that seems to be working much better.  I have buckets for the four choice that they put their smiley face in.  The children can take their time choosing, late comers still get to vote, and it doesn't take as much time.

After our opening I get the buckets and we count the smiley faces as we put them on the graph.
I think the kids "get it" more doing it this way.

Songs/Magnet Board

ABC Welcome

Color Unicorns (Credit: Story Time Secrets)

I saw five little unicorns - creatures from folklore.
I watched the blue one prance away and then there were four.

I saw four little unicorns resting by a tree
I watched the orange one prance away, and then there were three.

I saw three little unicorns, but as near to them I drew,
The green one pranced away, and then there were two.

I saw two little unicorns - I watched them run and run.
The red one pranced away, and then there was one.

I saw a lonely purple unicorn standing in the sun.

When I blinked my eyes, it pranced away, and then there were none.

If You're Happy and You Know It

My Hands

Play and Learn

I have been trying to do more "process art" instead of crafts.  The kids had a great time today making their own mythical creature with lots of googly eyes, colored paper, feathers, pom-poms, yarn, scissors and glue!

I also had out a variety of toys, but the art was definitely a big hit!

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