Friday, March 22, 2019

Simple Flannels for Babies

I have been on the lookout for simple flannel board rhymes to do with babies.  I posted about my first successful one in October 2017.  I make very simple, one-cut felt pieces, so I don’t have to worry about small pieces falling off and creating a choking hazard.  Here are a few more I’ve found that I have loved doing with the little ones.
(You can sing this to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)

Orange and yellow, green and blue
These are colors just for you
Orange as a flower, green as a tree
Yellow as the sun and blue as the sea.
Orange and yellow, green and blue
These are colors just for you.

Over in the Meadow
Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun
Lived an old mother turtle and her little one
“Dig”, said the mother. “I dig”, said the one
So they dug all day in the sand in the sun.
Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fish and her little fishies two
“Swim”, said the mother. “We swim”, said the two
So they swam all day where the stream runs blue
Over in the mead in an old hollow tree
Lived an old mother bird and her little birdies three
“Sing”, said the mother.  “We sing”, said the three
So they sang all day in the old hollow tree.

Five Little Babies
Adapted from
Five little babies were playing one day
One saw a ball, and he crawled away
Four little babies were playing one day
One saw a rattle, and she crawled away
Three little babies were playing one day
One saw a blanket, and he crawled away
Two little babies were playing one day
One saw a teddy, and she crawled away
One little baby was playing one day
He saw his friends, and he crawled away.

One Two Three
One little two little three little puppies
One little two little three little puppies
One little two little three little puppies
Bark like this all day.  Ruff! Ruff!

Can substitute kitties or just about any other animal!

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