Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Astronaut Storytime

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Lunar Landing we had a storytime all about astronauts this week and the Moon next week!

Zoom, Rocket, Zoom!
by Margaret May; illustrated by Alex Ayliffe

by Marcie Colleen; illustrated by Emma Yarlett

What would be the most exciting thing about being an astronaut?
Wearing a spacesuit (0), Floating in Space (7), Visiting the Moon (0), Flying a Rocket (9)


If You're Going to the Moon
(tune: If you're happy and you know it)

If you're going to the moon wear your suit
If you're going to the moon wear your suit
If you're going to the moon this is what you have to do
If you're going to the moon wear your suit

Additional verses
Wear your helmet (pat, pat [your head])
Wear your boots (stomp, stomp)
Wear your gloves (clap, clap)
Wear all four (Zip, pat, stomp, clap!)

Astronaut, Astronaut

Astronaut, astronaut turn around
Astronaut, astronaut touch the ground
Dance on you toes
Touch your nose
Reach up high
Touch the sky
Bend down low
Touch your toes
Jump up noe
Take a bow
Stomp your feet
Take a seat

Play and Learn

I set up an obstacle course to get from the earth to the moon!  Unfortunately the pictures didn't turn out great...but here's what I did.,,
The kids lined up behind this sign on the floor.  They were so cute and would step onto the picture when it was their turn.  They would wait while I counted down--3, 2, 1, Blast off!  Then they would walk along a tape line to get to the hopscotch, then follow the tape line to the tunnel.  
After the tunnel they followed another tape line to reach five hula hoops set on the floor to jump through that led them to the area they needed screw a nut onto a bolt.  
They then followed the last tape line to the stool to get up on to touch the moon!

Mousetronaut came in on the day of my storytime, so I debated about if I should read it or Penguinaut.  The kids were really squirmy and barely made it through the shorter Penguinaut.  But I think Mousetronaut is super cute and shows what real astronauts do in space.

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