Friday, August 30, 2019


The Napping House
by Audrey Wood; illustrated by Don Wood

Grandma's House
by Alice Melvin
(we looked at everything in Grandma's house--but where's Grandma?)

Vincent Paints His House
by Tedd Arnold

Magnet Activity

Iggy Iguana come out and play
What color house are you in today?


A House for Me

A hill is a house for an ant, an ant.
A hive is a house for a bee.
A hole is a house for a mole or a mouse
And a house is house for me!

A web is a house for a spider.
A bird builds a nest in a tree.
There is nothing so snug as a bug in a rug
And a house is a house for me!

Here is a House

Here is a house built up high
with two big chimneys reaching for the sky
Here is window and here is a door
If we look inside...there's a mouse on the floor!

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