Friday, November 1, 2019

Dressing Up Preschool Storytime

Just What Mama Needs
by Sharlee Glenn; illustrated by Amiko Hirao

Super Rawr!
by Todd H. Doodler


Hickory Dickory, Socks!
(Sung to: Hickory, Dickory, Dock)

Hickory, dickory, dock,
Let's put on our socks.
We'll walk around
Without a sound
Hickory, dickory, dock!

Repeat with other actions, such as tiptoe, slide, jump

Old Shoes, New Shoes

Old shoes, new shoes,
Now we’re wearing _____________ shoes.
One, two, three, four.
Now, I stomp them on the floor.

pirate, elephant, firefighter, dance (twirl), superhero (fly them off the floor)

Let's Imagine

Let's hear you roar like a lion!
Let's see you jump like a frog!
Let's see you snap your jaws like a crocodile!
Let's hear you bark like a dog!

Pretend you're an elephant with a long, long trunk
Pretend you're a monkey and jump, jump, jump!
And now you're a mouse.  Just let me see
How very quiet you can be!

Play and Learn

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