Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Birds--Family Storytime

Mixed up my Preschool Owls and Toddler Birds to make this Family Storyitme.  Everything will look familiar!

Hooray for Birds!
by Lucy Cousins

Wow! Said the Owl
by Tim Hopgood

Songs and Rhymes

Here comes little bird. (Your fist is the bird.)
He’s landing on my HEAD. (Land where you want.)
Bye, bye little bird. (Fly bird away.)
Fly! Fly! Fly! (Wave to bird.)

Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Fly away Jack! Fly away Jill!
Come back Jack! Come back Jill!

Two little blackbirds flying in the sky.
One named Low and one named High...

Two little blackbirds sitting on a pole.
One named Fast and one named Slow...

Two little blackbirds sitting on a cloud
One named quiet and one named LOUD

(to sing with egg shakers) Tune: For He's a Jolly Good Fellow

We shake our eggs together
We shake our eggs together
We shake our eggs together
Because it's fun to do!
We shake them up high
We shake them down low
We shake them in the middle
Because it's fun to do!

Magnet Board

Little Bird, Little Bird come out and play
What color next are you in today?

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