Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Transition Rhymes/Songs

A is for...
A is for alligator snap, snap, snap     (A is for alligator chomp, chomp, chomp)
B is bird flap, flap, flap                     (B is for bear stomp, stomp, stomp)
C is for circle turn round and round and round
D is for dizzy let's all sit down.

Can You?
Can you hop, hop, hop like a bunny?
Can you run, run, run like a dog?
Can you stomp, stomp, stomp like an elephant?
Can you jump, jump, jump like a frog?
Can you swim, swim, swim like a goldfish?
Can you fly, fly, fly like a bird?
Can you sit right down and fold your hands,
And not say a single word?

Colors in Motion
by Jenifer Wagner

Red, red pat your head.
Blue, blue  touch your shoe
Yellow, yellow wiggle like Jell-o
Purple, purple make a circle
Green, green wave and be seen
Black, black, quack, quack, quack
White, white stomp with all your might
Brown, brown spin and sit down.

Giant Moves
by Jenifer Wagner

Take a giant stretch.
Give a giant wave.
Pretend you're in a giant cave.
Take one giant step forward
Then one giant step back.
Now everyone give a giant clap.
Stomp a giant stomp.
Roar a giant roar.
Now all giants sit down on the floor.

Hands on your hips, hands on your knees
Hands behind you if you please
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose
Touch your hair, touch your toes
Count with me 1, 2, 3, 4
Now sit yourself upon the floor.

Hop, Hop, Stop!
Hop, hop, stop!
Hop, hop, stop!
Run a little, run a little
Sit down, plop!

I Clap My Hands
I clap my hands, I touch my feet
I jump up from the ground.
I clap my hands, I touch my feet
And turn myself around.

I clap my hands, I touch my feet
I jump up from the ground.
I clap my hands, I touch my feet
I sit myself right down.

I’m Walking, Now I Stop 
by Jackie Weissman Songsisters Ann Arbor, MI

I’m walking, walking, walking,
I’m walking, walking, walking,
I’m walking, walking, walking,
Now I stop.

Marching, jumping, spinning, clapping 
Use any motion, and freeze after “stop.”

My Hands
My hands upon my head I'll place
Upon my shoulders, on my face
At my waist and by my side
And then behind me they will hide
Then I will raise them way up high
And let my fingers fly, fly, fly
Then clap, clap, clap and 1, 2, 3
Let's sit down quietly.

Wiggle Worms
Once there were some little worms. 
And all they did was squirm and squirm.
They wiggled and wiggled up and down. 
They wiggled and wiggled all around.
They wiggled and wiggled and wiggled until, 
They were tired and could sit very still.

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