Friday, July 31, 2020

Bears--Virtual Storytime

I finally get to do storytime again--kind of.  The Early Learning Librarians get to be filmed and our shortened (~15 minute) storytime will be put our our library's Facebook page and storyitmes without books will additionally be put on our YouTube channel.

Welcome Song

Storytime ABC's
Welcome, welcome everyone
We're together let's have some fun
Stories, songs and puppets too
Storytime is the pace for you!
Do you know your ABCs?
Come along and sing with me!

Now I've sung my ABCs
Next time won't you sing with me?

Guess What I Brought

This is an animal.
It is a wild animal--you couldn't have one for a pet
This animal catches fish to eat with their strong jaws and claws.
This animal lives where there is a lot of snow and ice.



If You Were a Panda Bear
by Wendell and Florence Minor
Published by Katherine Tegen Books; read with permission

Parent Tip

Sharing informational books with your child helps children to understand that books can help us learn about new things.


Two Little Black Bears
Two little black bears sitting on a hill
One named Jack and the other named Jill
Run away Jack! Run away Jill!
Come back Jack! Come back Jill!

Two little black bears digging in the snow
One named Fast and the other named Slow
Run away Fast! Run away Slow!
Come back Fast! Come back Slow!

Two little black bears looking at a cloud
One named Quiet and the other named Loud
Run away Quiet! Run away Loud!
Come back Quiet! Come back Loud!


Panda bear, panda bear turn around
Panda bear, panda bear touch the ground
Panda bear, panda bear danced on your toes
Panda bear, panda bear touch your nose
Panda bear, panda bear reach up high
Panda bear, panda bear touch the sky
Panda bear, panda bear bend down low
Panda bear, panda bear touch your toe
Panda bear, panda bear jump up now
Panda bear, panda bear take a bow
Panda bear, panda bear stomp your feet
Panda bear, panda bear take a seat


Big Bear, Small Mouse
by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman
Published by Margaret McElderry Books; read with permission

Animal Goodbyes 
(w/ stick puppets)

See ya later, Alligator!
Blow a kiss, Goldfish!
Give a hug, Ladybug!
Toodaloo, Kangaroo!
Bye-bye, Butterfly!
Take care, Polar Bear!

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