Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Zoo Day!--Virtual Storytime

We're going to the zoo!


Guess Who?

They are big and they are gray,
And their trunks swing and sway.
What are they?  ELEPHANT

Bananas are their favorite things,
And they lilike to chatter and like to swing.
What are they?  MONKEYS

They have necks that are long, long, long
If you guess a turtle, you'd be wrong, wrong, wrong.
What are they:? GIRAFFE

They are a kind of cat
But they have a mane and (roar) like that.
What are they? LION

These birds can't fly and they eat fish so yummy
They're black all over except for a white tummy.
What are they?  PENGUIN


Zoo Day
by Anne Rockwell; illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell
Published by Aladdin, read with permission

Parent Tip

Exploring simple maps with your child, like the one in Zoo Day, will help develop spatial thinking--which is, in part, understanding where one's body is in relation to other things or places.  Increased spatial thinking is linked to later success in math and science.  Children also enhance their language skills as they explore and communicate about spatial relationships depicted on maps.  When you visit a place such as a zoo or amusement park look at the map with your child.  You can also help your child make their own map of their bedroom, the house, or the neighborhood. 


Playful Zoo Animals
(tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

We're going to the zoo, we're going to the zoo
We'll play like all the animals, we're going to the zoo.

___________ like a ____________
___________ like a ____________
We'll p lay like all the animals, we're going to the zoo!

Hop like a kangaroo
Swing like the monkeys do
Fly like a cockatoo
Stomp like the elephants do
Roar like the lions do


Dear Zoo
by Rod Campbell

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