Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Windy Storytime!

It's been pretty windy out here (nothing like the wind in Nebraska though!) so I decided on a storytime all about the wind!


Argyle Fox
by Marie Letourneau

by Edouard Manceau

Graph Question

I know it's windy when I see...
Kite in the sky, Flag flapping, Hair blowing in my face, Pinwheel twirlling
Both Tuesday and Wednesday most kids voted for the pinwheel



There is a day when kites fly high
And windy is the weather
And windy is the weather.

Take away the Y and now it says wind.

There is a day when kites fly high
And windy is the weather
And windy is the weather.

Continue taking letters away until all the letters are gone and you clap five times.

If You're Happy and You Know It

Play and Learn


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hiccups, Sneezes, and Snores

A silly, noisy storytime!


Stop Snoring, Bernard!
by Zachariah Ohora

Little Penguin Gets the Hiccups
by Tadgh Bentley

Chu's Day
by Neil Gainman; illustrated by Adam Rex

Graph Question
Which animal has the loudest snore?
Elephant, Bear,


Four Hungry Ants
Four hungry ants marching in a line;
Came upon a picnic where they could dine.
One marched into the salad,
He marched into the cake
He marched into the pepper--but that was a mistake!

Aaah, aaah, CHOO!

Are You Sleeping?
(zoo animal edition)

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping
Little Elephant Little Elephant?
Wake up Little Elephant
Wake up Little Elephant
Stomp, stomp stomp!
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Play and Learn

Can You Paint with That?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Forest Friends Storytime

Another theme created from a new adorable book about a porcupine.


No Hugs for Porcupine
by Zoe Waring

How to Find a Fox
by Nalah Magruder

Graph Question

Which forest animal would you like to see?
Deer, Raccoon, Porcupine, Fox
(fox was the winner with five)


If You're Ever in the Forest
(Have you ever seen a Lassie?)

If you're ever in the forest, the forest, the forest
If you're ever in the forest you might see a deer.
With antlers on one the other may run
If you're ever in the forest you might see a deer.

Additional verses:

Raccoon--it climbs a tree and hides from me
Snake--it hides in the grass and slithers real fast
Skunk--it's black and white, get out of sight!
Squirrel--it's tail is furry; he's always in a hurry

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Turn around
Touch the ground
Touch your nose
Dance on your toes
Reach up high
Touch the sky
Bend down low
Touch your toe
Jump up now
Take a bow
Stomp your feet
Take a seat

Play and Learn

Forest animal scavenger hunt

Forest animal puppets

Forest animal coloring page



Magnets (farm, zoo, and forest)