Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Not Halloween Storytime

To be sure to include all children and families in storytime I do a "not Halloween" storytime just before the holiday.  It can be about monsters, spiders, dressing up, not being scared.  Elements of Halloween without being Halloween.  This year it was a mash-up of many Halloweenish things.


The Mouse who wasn't Scared
by Petr Horacek

Aaaarrgghh! Spider!
by Lydia Monks

Where's Sam?
by Yves Got


Go Away Big Green Monster
(based on the book by Ed Emberley)


Hello, Hello

The Monster Boogie
by Laurie Berkner

The Itsy Bitsy Spider FIVE WAYS!
The Big Hairy Spider
The Super Slow Spider
The Speedy Little Spider
The Silent Little Spider

My Hands Say Goodbye

Open Ended Art Activity

Lunch size paper bags, paper scraps, yarn, crayons, scissors, glue sticks 

Four Hungry Ants

A fun flannel rhyme that has a fun twist to the traditional "Five Little Whatsits".

You can use as many or as few ants as you'd like.  I usually do four or six just to be different!

I introduce this rhyme by asking the children if they have ever been on a picnic.  I also ask them what they take to eat.  Do they ever take...a salad? (add the salad piece to the flannel board)  Do you ever take...a cake?  What about this?  (they usually say it's salt, but I tell them it's not salt, but that this can make you sneeze...pepper).  Who (or what bug) likes to come to picnics and eat your food?

Count the ants as you add them to the flannel board.

Four Hungry Ants

Four hungry ants marching in a line
They came upon a picnic where they could dine.
One marched into the salad
Then he marched into the cake
He marched into the pepper
But that was a mistake!
Aaaah! Aaaah! Choo!

That poor little ant sneezed so hard he flew right off the flannel board! (The kids love it!)

Three hungry ants marching in a line
They came upon a picnic where they could dine.
One marched into the salad
Then he marched into the cake
He marched into the pepper
But that was a mistake!
Aaaah! Aaaah! Choo!

Two hungry ants marching in a line
They came upon a picnic where they could dine.
One marched into the salad
Then he marched into the cake
He marched into the pepper
But that was a mistake!
Aaaah! Aaaah! Choo!

One hungry ant marching in a line
He came upon a picnic where he could dine.
He marched into the salad
Then he marched into the cake
He marched into the pepper
But that was a mistake!
Aaaah! Aaaah! Choo!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Baby Storytime--Farms

Finally back to Baby Storytime (starting Sept 7).  Over two and a half years!!  A slow start, but so excited to be back at it! Farm Theme for the first six weeks...


Are You My Mommy?
by Mary Murphy

Hurry, Hurry!
by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Jeff Mack

Old MacDonald had a Farm
by Jane Cabrera

I Went Walking
by Sue Williams, illustrated by Julie Vivas

Hello, Day!
by Anita Lobel


You Ought to See My Baby

At storytime we have _______ today
We're so glad let's shout hooray!

Little Bear
Little Bear in the tree
Sitting oh so still
Won't you come out?
Yes, he will!
He looks to the left
He looks to the right
He looks straight ahead
Then he pops out of sight!

When Cows Get Up in the Morning
When cows get up in the morning they always say, "Good day"
When cows get up in the morning they always say, "Good day"
"Moo, moo, moo", that's how they say good day
"Moo, moo, moo", that's how they say good day!

Additional farm animals
Sheep, Duck, Horse, Cat, Dog

I started out using flannel pieces, but then used large plastic farm animals instead.

Roly Poly
Roly poly, roly poly
Big, big, big
Roly poly, roly poly
Small, small, small
Roly poly, roly poly
Touch your nose
Roly poly, roly, poly
Touch your toes
Roly poly, roly poly
Up to the sky
Roly poly, roly poly
Fly, fly, fly!

Hickory Dickory Dock (x4)
Hickory dickory dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory dickory dock

Two--the mouse said "Boo!"
Three--the mouse said "Whee!"
Four--there is no more

Tony Chestnut
Toe, knee, chest, nut (head)
Nose, eye love you
Toe, knee, nose
Toe, knee, nose
Toe, knee, chest, nut
Nose, eye love you
That's what toe, knee nose

I am toast in the toaster
I'm getting very hot
Tick, tock; tick, tock
Up I

One Bright Scarf
One bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow
Wiggle it high
Wiggle it low
Shake it fast
Shake it slow
Hide it behind your back
Where'd it go?
Here it is!


Over in the Farmyard

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Fall and Pumpkins Storytime


Mystery Vine
by Cathryn Farwell

In the Middle of Fall
by Kevin Henkes

Pumpkin Trouble
by Jan Thomas

Flannel/Magnet Board

Fall Riddles

Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate


Hello, Hello

Pumpkins on the Ground

Scarecrow, Scarecrow

I've Changed My Mind
Jim Gill

My Hands Say Goodbye

Open Ended Art

Small sticks, leaves, pinecones, craft sticks, yarn
Paper, glue, scissors

Open Ended Science

Magnifying Glasses
Leaves, sticks, rocks, pine cones, berries

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Monkey Storytime

Hello, Hello

by Galia Bernstein

Monkey See, Look at Me!
by Lorena Siminovich

Spunky Little Monkey
by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson; illustrated by Brian Won


Two Little Monkeys

Two little monkeys sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Run away Jack. Run away Jill.
Come back Jack. Come back Jill.

Climbing to the sky
One named Low and one named High

Sitting on a pole
One named Fast and one named Slow

Looking at a cloud
One named Quiet and one named Loud

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Are You Sleeping?
(animals from Monkey See, Look at Me!)

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Little bird, little bird?
Wake up little bird, wake up little bird
Flap, flap, flap
Flap, flap, flap!


My Hands Say Goodbye


Balls and Tubes