Saturday, June 27, 2015

Guessing Books

[An internal blog post]

A great way to have children participate in storytime is to read a guessing book.  If your group is large you can have children “tell their grown-up” what they think the answer is; if your groups is small you can have children call out what they think before turning the page or lifting the flap to reveal the answer.

One of my favorite books to share with children is Laura Hulbert’s Who Has These Feet? 
The children love to guess what animal has each set of feet…some are easily guessed right away; other times the feet are a little more tricky, but it makes the kids stop and think.  Sometimes I will give them additional clues to help them figure out the animal.

Other guessing books you may enjoy sharing in storytime:

Who has this tail? 
by Laura Hulbert; illustrated by Erik Brooks
Image result for Who has this tail? Laura Hulbert

Guess what I see? 
Liesbet Slegers

I Spy [Pets; On the Farm; In the Sky; Under the Sea] 
by Edward Gibbs

The Foggy, Foggy Forest 
by Nick Sharratt

Q is for Duck: An Alphabet Guessing Game 
by Mary Elting & Michael Folsom; illustrated by Jack Kent
(for older children) 

How will we get to the beach? 
by Brigitte Luciani

What other “guessing” books have you used in storytime?

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