Friday, September 4, 2015

Fall Session Songs and Bounces

I can't believe it's September already and time to change up the songs, rhymes and bounces for baby storytime again.  Here are some of the song, rhymes and bounces we will be doing through November.  Below is a general outline I follow for baby storytime.

Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.

Pat your knees...
Tap your feet...
Jump up high...
Give a hug...
Blow a kiss...
Wave hello...

Good Morning To You
(Sung to the happy Birthday tune)
Good Morning to.....(Child's Name)
Good Morning to......(Child's name)
Good morning dear (Child’s name)
It’s nice to see you!

Roly-poly, roly-poly (circle arms around each other—repeat each time you sing the phrase)
Out, out, out (move hands away from each other)
Roly-poly, roly-poly
In, in, in (bring hands together)
Roly-poly, roly-poly
Touch your nose
Roly-poly, roly-poly
Touch your toes.
Roly-poly, roly-poly
Up to the sky (pull baby up to standing)
Roly-poly, roly-poly
Fly, fly, fly (life baby up in the air)

When Cows Get Up in the Morning
(a gentle bouncing rhyme--with puppets)
When cows get up in the morning,
They always say "good day!"
When cows get up in the morning,
They always say "good day!"

"Moo, moo, moo!",
That's how they say "good day!"
"Moo, moo, moo!",
That's how they say "good day!"

I’m a Little Beetle
(Bounce babies in laps, then lift them up when you say, “Fly!”)

I’m a little beetle
And I wiggle all day
If you get too close to me,
I’ll FLY away!

I’m a little bumblebee…
I’m a little ladybug…

Baby Hokey Pokey
You put your arms up,
you put your arms down
You put your arms up,
and you wave them all around
You tickle, tickle, tickle
And you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
That’s what it’s all about! Clap, clap!

You put your (feet, baby, etc) up...

Five Little Riders
Five little riders on a nice fall day,
Jumped on their ponies and rode far away.
They galloped in the meadow
And they galloped up a hill
They galloped so fast
That they all took a spill!

There was a little grasshopper,
Always on the jump.
Because he never looked ahead,
He always went bump! (gently drop baby between legs)

Tickle the Clouds
Tickle the clouds (spoken)
Tickle the clouds
and tickle your toes
Clap your hands
and tickle your nose
Reach down low
And reach up high
Story time’s over —
Wave bye-bye!

Round and Round the Garden
'Round and 'round the garden,
Goes the teddy bear. (draw circles on baby's palm)
One step, two steps, (tap twice up baby's arm)
Tickle you under there! (tickle under baby's arm)

Tiny Little Babies
(My new favorite!  I found it at Storytime Katie)
(Sung to: Shortenin' Bread)
Tiny little babies love bouncin', bouncin'
Tiny little babies love bouncin', yeah
Tiny little babies love bouncin', bouncin'
Tiny little babies love bouncin' so...
Bounce to the left, bounce to the right
Now hug that baby nice and tight!

Scarf Song
One bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow (hold in hand)
Wiggle it high (wiggle scarf above head)
Wiggle it low (wiggle scarf by knees)
Shake it fast (wiggle scarf quickly)
Shake it slow (wiggle scarf slowly)
Put it behind your back (bring out empty hands)
Where did it go?

If You’re Happy & You Know It Parachute
•If you’re happy and you know it, lift it high!
•If you’re happy and you know it, shake it fast!
•If you’re happy and you know it, shake it slow!

Baby Storytime Outline

Bubbles (as babies are gathering~5 minutes)


  • Clap, clap, clap your hands
  • Good Morning!
  • Little Bear
Songs/Rhymes/Bounces (2-3)
  • When Cows Get Up in the Morning
  • Round and Round the Garden
  • Baby Hokey Pokey
  • Roly-Poly
Read Aloud Book

Traditional Songs (1-2)
  • Pat-a-Cake
  • Wheels on the Bus
  • Three Little Monkeys
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • If You're Happy and You Know It
Nursery Rhymes (1-2)
  • Hey Diddle, Diddle
  • Pease Porridge Hot
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Jack and Jill
  • This Little Piggy
  • Hickory Dickory Dock
  • Jack Be Nimble
Movement Song
  • Tiny Little Babies
  • Grasshopper
  • I'm a Little Beetle
  • Five Little Riders
Shared Reading

Closing (1 of the following)
  • Tickle the Clouds
  • Parachute
  • Scarf Song
Play and Learn

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