Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Not Halloween Storytime

To be sure to include all children and families in storytime I do a "not Halloween" storytime just before the holiday.  It can be about monsters, spiders, dressing up, not being scared.  Elements of Halloween without being Halloween.  This year it was a mash-up of many Halloweenish things.


The Mouse who wasn't Scared
by Petr Horacek

Aaaarrgghh! Spider!
by Lydia Monks

Where's Sam?
by Yves Got


Go Away Big Green Monster
(based on the book by Ed Emberley)


Hello, Hello

The Monster Boogie
by Laurie Berkner

The Itsy Bitsy Spider FIVE WAYS!
The Big Hairy Spider
The Super Slow Spider
The Speedy Little Spider
The Silent Little Spider

My Hands Say Goodbye

Open Ended Art Activity

Lunch size paper bags, paper scraps, yarn, crayons, scissors, glue sticks 

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