Saturday, April 22, 2017

Bunny Storytime

I did this storytime twice; once for preschooler and once for "all ages" (2-5) with slight variations at each one.


We're Rabbits!
by Lisa Westberg Peters; illustrated by Jeff Mack

Peek-a-Boo Bunny
by Holly Surplice

Wee Little Bunny
by Lauren Thompson; illustrated by John Butler

Graph Question
What is your favorite springtime animal?
Winner: Duckling, closely followed by bunny (other choices: lamb, fawn)


(tune: BINGO)

There was a rabbit I once knew
And Bunny was her name-o
And Bunny was her name-o.

I'm a nonconformist and take the letters away from the end of the word...

There was a rabbit I once knew
And Bunny was her name-o
And Bunny was her name-o.

Continue until all the letters are gone and you clap five times.

Have You Ever Seen A Bunny?
(tune: Have you ever seen a lassie?)

Have you ever seen a bunny
A bunny, a bunny?
Have you ever seen a bunny
That hops so s-l-o-w?

He hops and hops and hops and hops
Have you ever seen a bunny
That hops so slow?

Additional verses:
Fast, backwards, on one foot?

Hippty Hop
(tune: 5 Little Ducks)

Hippty hop and hippty hay
5 little bunny went out to play
Hippty hop and hippty hay
1 little bunny hopped away.

Continue counting down to zero.

Play and Learn

Water Table with ducks

Feed the Animals (bunny, monkey, dog) from Lakeshore Learning


Variety of other toys

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