Chicken Soup by Jean Van Leeuwen; illustrated by David Gavril

Wee Little Chick by Lauren Thompson; illustrated by John Butler

Songs, Rhymes, Fingerplays
Little Chick
Little Chick, Little Chick
Come out and play
What color barn are you in today?
Shake, Shake, Shake
(Tune: Do your ears hang low?)
Can you shake your egg up high?
Can you shake your egg down low?
Can you shake it side to side?
Can you shake it by your toe?
Can you shake it really fast?
Can you shake it really slow?
Can you shake your egg?
1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
1, 2 buckle my shoe
3, 4 shut the door
5, 6 pick up sticks
7, 8 lay them straight
9, 10 a big, fat hen!
Play and Learn
Little Chick
Find the Chick (yellow pom-pom in egg)
Pom-Pom numbers
Life Cycle of a Chicken
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