Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza

Picnic by Emily Arnold McCully

Four Hungry Ants
4 hungry ants, marching in a line
They come upon a picnic, where they could dine
They marched into the salad
They marched into the cake
They marched into the pepper
Oh-uh! That was a mistake!
Jump Up, Turn Around (Jim Gill)
Jack Be Nimble
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick!
We're Going on a Picnic (chant)
Going on picnic
Gotta pack a lunch
What should we bring to munch, munch, munch?
Let's bring.... (x3) to munch, munch, munch!
Play and Learn
Giant Sandwich (Melissa & Doug)
Pretend picnic with play dishes and food
Pack a picnic "worksheet"
Strawberries in a Basket Counting
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