Tuesday, April 16, 2024



Dino Duckling
by Alison Murray

One-osaurus, Two-osaurus
Kim Norman, illustrated Pierre Collet-Derby

Groovy Joe Ice Cream and Dinosaurs
Eric Litwin, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld

Dinosaurs Galore! A Roaring Pop-up
by Paul and Henrietti Strickland

Songs and Movement

Hello, Hello

We are the Dinosaurs
Laurie Berkner

Giant Moves
Take a giant stretch
Give a giant wave
Pretend you're in a giant cave
Take one giant step forward
Take one giant step back
Now everyone give a giant clap!
Stomp a giant stomp
Roar a giant roar
Now all giant dinosaurs sit down on the floor!

Dinosaur, Dinosaur Turn Around

One Little Dinosaur 

My Hands say, "Let's Play!"

Flannel Board

1 friendly dinosaur wanted to play peek-a-boo,
She found another and then there were two.
2 friendly dinosaurs looked behind a tree,
They found another and then there were three.
3 friendly dinosaurs went to find some more
They found another and then there were four.
4 friendly dinosaurs watched for more to arrive
They found another and then there five
5 friendly dinosaurs played in the sun
They all ran to hide…and then there were none!

Play and Learn

Dinosaurs and playdough (make footprints/impressions)

Dinosaur Pattern Blocks

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