Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bathtime Storytime

I was able to present a bathtime storytime time at two libraries!  The first time we had to do the storytime in the children's area because we were getting new carpet in our meeting room (Hallelujah!)  But because we were in the children's area we had just a few, simple play and learn activities.


Who Needs a Bath?
by Jeff Mack

Who's in the Tub?
by Sylvie Jones; illustrated by Pascale Constantin
Image result for who's in the tub

Get Out 0f My Bath!
by Britta Teckentrup

Flannel Board/Song

Five Little Piggies
Five little piggies rolled in the mud
Oh, my goodness! They need a scrub!
The farmer took one piggy out
"Oink, oink, oink!" that pig did shout.

The other side of the pig is "clean" so I turn a dirty pig over and place it on the flannel board "clean".  Before moving to the next verse I always have the kids count the number of clean pigs and the number of dirty pigs.  I try to "sneak in" math terms.

Four little piggies rolled in the mud
Oh, my goodness! They need a scrub!
The farmer took one piggy out
"Oink, oink, oink!" that pig did shout.

Continue until none are left

No little piggies rolled in the mud
They look so nice after their scrub
The farmer turned his back...and then....
Five little pigs rolled in the mud again!

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Slow Motion
Super Speed!

Play and Learn

Storytime in the children's area
Lacing Cards
Dinosaurs Sort

Regular Play and Learn
Water Play! (with duckies)
Button Sort

Every once in a while I will stumble upon a CD that actually goes with the theme.  I did this morning when I pulled out Raffi's Everything Grows with the first track being "Bathtime"!

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