Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Pirates--Virtual Storytime

Alphabet Welcome

What did Henrietta Bring?

1.  This thing is a rectangle
2.  It has a lid that it cured on the top
3.  Inside there are gold coins and jewels
4.  I use a map to find where it it buried--X marks the spot!

A pirate treasure chest!


The Busy Pirates
(Start verse from a crouching position)

The pirates stand up
The pirates sit down
The pirates are running
All over the town!
But where is their Captain?
Look carefully
He's under the tree
Fast asleep!


Twenty-Six Pirates: An Alphabet Book  
Written and illustrated by Dave Horwitz.  
Read with permission from the publisher, Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Group

Parent Tip

Reading alphabet books with your child introduces letters and their sounds.  Alphabet books that tell a simple story can be more engaging to preschool children.  You can make up a rhyme using your child’s name, such as Pirate Tammy.  White and clammy.  Or Pirate Tammy. Sailed to Miami.  If you child’s name is difficult to rhyme try something like this:  Henrietta Pirate.  Nice and quiet.  Or Henrietta Pirate. Starts a riot!


Across the Deep Blue Sea

When I was one I sucked my thumb
The day I went to sea
I jumped aboard a pirate ship
And the captain said to me:
We go this way (lean to left)
And that way (lean to right)
And forwards (step forwards)
And backwards (step backwards)
Across the deep blue sea! (spin in a circle)
When I was 2 I tied my shoe
When I was 3 I scraped my knee
When I was 4 I shut the door
When I was 5 I felt alive
Animal Goodbyes

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