Friday, July 15, 2022


Hello, Hello!


The Mixed-up Truck
by Stephen Savage

Chuck's Truck
by Peggy Perry Anderson

Younger crowd

Truck, Truck, Goose
by Tammi Sauer; illustrated by Zoe Waring

Older kids

Where's My T-R-U-C-K?
by Karen Beaumont; illustrated by David Catrow

Flannel Boards

I Love Trucks!
by Philemon Sturges; illustrated by Shari Halpern
(made into a flannel by a co-worker)

Old MacDonald had a Truck

Five big dump trucks
Rolling down the road
Five big dump trucks
Rolling down the road
One pulls over to unload
There are four big dump trucks
Rolling down the road.

Continue counting down to zero

Little Duck, Little Duck

Little duck, little duck
Are you behind the _________ truck?

My Hands Say Goodbye

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