Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Fast and Slow

Two Storytimes with the same theme...one for toddlers and the other for family.  Same songs and activities but different books.

Toddler Books

by Nicola Smee

Hurry!  Hurry!
by Eve Bunting; illustrated by Jeff Mack

by Claire Masurel; illustrated by David Walker

Family Books

Hurry Up and Slow Down
by Layn Marlow

by Cathryn Falwell

This is the Way
by Charles Fuge

Songs and Movement

Hello, Hello

Bread and Butter, Marmalade and Jam
(fast and slow)  
Count to 5 (family)
Clap hands

I've Changed My Mind
Jim Gill
with scarves

Itsy Bitsy Spider--5 Ways! (toddlers)
Big Hairy Spider
Very slow spider
Very fast spider
Silent spider

The Tempo Marches On (family)
Jim Gill

Two Little Blackbirds

My Hands Say Goodbye

Open-ended Activity
Balls, toy cars, tubes, cardboard, masking tape

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