Saturday, March 18, 2023

Socks, Shoes, and Boots!

Books for Older Group

Have You Seen My New Blue Socks?
by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier

Whose Shoes?  A Shoe for Every Job
by Stephen R. Swinburne

Bear Needs Help
by Sarah S. Brannen

Books for Younger Group

Whose Shoes?
by Anna Grossnickle Hines; illustrated by LeUyen Pham

Maggie and Michael Get Dressed
by Denise Fleming

New Shoes
by Chris Raschka

Songs and Movement

I Can Walk on Two Feet
I can walk on two feet, on two feet, on two feet.
I can walk on two feet all day long.

Hop--on one foot

Silly Dance Contest
Jim Gill

Laurie Berkner
with clipart boots to show

Flannel Board

Five Pairs of Socks
5 pair of dirty socks on my bedroom floor,
Mom washed the ______ pair and then there were 4.

4 pairs of dirty socks that belong to me
Mom washed the _______ pair and then there were 3.

3 pairs of dirty socks, what's a kid to do?
Mom washed the _______ pair and then there were 2.

2 pairs of dirty socks, I wear them when I run
Mom washed the _______ pair and then there was 1.

1 pair of dirty socks rolled up in a ball
Mom washed the last pair, my favorite pair of all.

No more dirty socks, Mom washed them all today
But wait until tomorrow, cause there's more on the way!

Not my favorite because the "pairs" messed with the children's counting.

What sock is fox hiding under?

Open Ended Activity

Pompoms, tubes, egg cartons, bowls

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