Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kids Club--Can You Believe Your Eyes?

Another interesting change with regards to programming in my new position--executing a program having not planned the program.  This is challenging for me!  Not that the program that had been planned was flawed, I am just used to having to do it all...decide on program, find ideas and think about what I want the program to look like, (change my mind), finalize plans, buy/gather supplies, THEN have the program.  So the 5 or 6 hours of planning and tweaking are lost.  I now open the box, pull out the instructions and supplies, set up the room and do the program with the kids.  I just didn't feel as prepared or excited like I usually am for programs.

Our Kids Club event today was all about our eyes!

I began by reading Whose Eyes are These?  A Look at Animal Eyes--Big, Round and Narrow by Peg Hall; illustrated by Ken Landmark

We also talked about why pirates might have worn an eye patch.  Google answer: Pirates frequently had to move above and below decks, from daylight to near darkness, and...the smart ones "wore a patch over one eye to keep it dark-adapted outside."

We then investigated four stations

Eye Model and Hello, Red Fox by Eric Carle


Penny Drop (using both eyes, then one eye)

Blind Spot

Make your own Phenakistoscope

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