Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kindergarten Kickoff

The district hosted Kindergarten Kickoff events at all of our libraries!  This was to encourage early registration, share kindergarten prep with parents, and to give the children who will be entering kindergarten some hands-on activities to do that help foster skills children need to be successful.

Our kickoffs were built around the book, The Kissing Hand (by Audrey Penn) and focused on the six early learning domains:  Language, Social-Emotional, Literacy, Physical, Math, and Cognitive, plus Science.  Most of the activities involved several of the domains.

Raccoon Puppet

Raccoon Dot-to-Dot

Nocturnal Animal Sort

Shape Raccoon

Heart Relay
(using a spoon pick up a heart, carry it to the bucket on the other side of room while walking along a masking tape line)

Information we had available for parents and families

Our partners at Accelerate Success offered these five keys for parents to help get their child ready for Kindergarten.  Health (immunizations, dental), Play, Learn, Talk, and Register.

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