Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Little Red Riding Hood" Puppet Show

We were so pleased to have the Urban Prairie Puppet Company present a puppet show using the Bellevue Public Library's marionette collection.  Children and families enjoyed:  "Little Red Riding Hood"!

As children gathered for the puppet show I brought out hand puppets for them to play with...

And now it's show time!

Wolf (x2), Red, Grandma, Woodcutter

This show hasn't been performed since 1987!!  I loved the adaptations the creators made...the wolf was after Little Red Riding Hood's chocolate chip cookies!  When Red wanted to take all the cookies to Grandma Wolf hurries to Grandma's house so he can get the cookies.  He asks Grandma to get in the closet and when he asks "please" she does.  When Red comments "What big teeth you have!" the Wolf replies, "The better to eat chocolate chip cookies with!"  When the woodcutter comes he offers Wolf graham crackers and fruit--which the wolf ends up liking!

We had an awesome turn out.  We'd like to thank our wonderful donor for hosting this puppet show for the children at the Bellevue Public Library!!

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